Monday, September 23, 2013

What to do when Life gets a little TOO crazy...

Wow, ok, WOW! I cannot believe I went an entire week without posting something here at The Creative Cabana! I strongly suspect my reasoning for this is due to the one thing that constantly seems to plague my life: STRESS. Yeah, everyone gets stressed and we all go through things in our lives that just make us wanna scream. Personally, over the last few years I've been on sort of a quest to seek out different ideas that can help calm the senses. No matter what though, life still seems to get in the way of what we want to do. In short, I apologize to my readers for leaving you out in the dark over the last week due to my STRESS.

This does setup a nice platform though for my next idea to suggest here at The Creative Cabana. In the title of this post I asked "What to do when Life gets a little TOO crazy..."? Well there's really no right or wrong answer to this question. We all have our own unique strategies of how we handle life's hurls. For me I tend to shift in the things that help me to settle down. When I was younger before we had all these fancy Tablets, MP3 players, and well Netflix- I used to draw, ALL THE TIME! I literally had a stash at home where I kept a tablet, pencil, crayons, etc. and would just draw anything I could think of. Now a days I tend to just listen to music and trying to do something productive to take my mind off of problems. Still, for me I don't think anything really satisfies my senses more than drawing. I don't have pictures of my artwork yet to upload and show you, but rather than make this about me I'd like to focus on creative stress relievers for you!

Whether you feel you are artistically talented or not, I encourage you to embrace yourself and try to create some Art that reflects what you find happy, soothing, or any other encouraging emotions. You can draw, paint, color (that's right, go ahead and relive your childhood), or just doodle. It doesn't matter if it's good or not- Art is only in the eye of the beholder. Got a spouse or co-worker driving you crazy? Draw up a little cartoon on some scratch paper that will turn your frustration into humor- nothing cures stress like a smile and chocolate helps too. Is school letting you or your child down? Try making education fun by adding fun drawings to study sheets. It's good for memorization and helps to keep you positive while studying. So go ahead- get your creative thinking cap on!

Also, my friends, we are getting ready to head into the Holiday seasons (I know where did the time go?). So over the next few months I'm going to try centering some of my posts around different aspects of the holidays and give you some fun creative ideas to share with your friends, family, and other peers. This is only the beginning, get the stress out now because coming soon we're going to make some holiday magic! Have a wonderful creative day my friends! Check back soon for this week's Creative Mastermind!!!

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