Wednesday, December 18, 2013

There's a Reason to Be Jolly For Day Six!

Well, HO HO HO! Look who dropped in today for the Sixth Day of Creative Cabana? SANTA!!!! (Go ahead and do your best Buddy the Elf impression). I get a kick out of people every year who take the time to make their own, creative Santa. I doesn't matter if it's craft based, professionally made, or just a simple dress-up doll, I think the ability to create your own version of Santa is a unique and very creative concept that I feel is worth sharing.

Santa Claus is one of the most beloved symbols of the holiday season, and it's no wonder that you seem him EVERYWHERE and in a variety of different settings. I can't help but laugh when I see the Santas who are on a surfboard wearing beach shorts, or the Santa who is driving a Harley. While sometimes these decorative pieces can be a bit on the tacky side, it's also very notable for the level of creativity (in addition to the humor of it all). By creating your own custom Santa figure, you have to ability to demonstrate what represents you through Santa: hobbies, sports, military, favorite color, etc.

Ever since I was a little girl, I imagined Santa as being "the perfect person" because of his kind gestures, his sweet smile, and lovable laugh. That being said Santa loves everyone from every background, nation, financial status, etc. So it's easy to decorate Santa in a fashion that pays tribute to things you care about. As an example, I love the Santa picture where he is dressed like an artist. The person who created that Santa figure clearly wanted to represent their artistic personality and make a statement of art through Santa. It's also very simple and classic in composition- there's no over the top colors, or extra riff-raff in design. You can easily look at the figure and know it IS Santa, but an artist version. The other Santas are very easily constructed and perfect for child's play. Using common craft materials such as cups, paper plates, Popsicle sticks, and toilet paper rolls are easy building block to create your Santa as well. You can then customize your Santa further with a variety of decorative materials such as construction paper, buttons, cotton balls, markers, craft felt, watercolor paints, or simple pieces of scrap cloth.

Each Santa to create is unique in design and decoration, so there aren't really an instructions I can give you on creating "the perfect Santa". What I can suggest though is making a sketch of how you imagine your Santa to look, figure out what materials you need to prepare, and as always JUST HAVE FUN! This isn't something that will be on display at The National Art Gallery, so don't worry about making your Santa an outstanding masterpiece. It will always be a masterpiece to you and if anything else you can tell your friends and family, that it's your unique perspective of Santa! It's all your own, no one else can create a Santa like you!

Ok my friends, it's time for me to get back to the packing, but I wanted to make sure that today's post got online early enough. I hope you have a great Wednesday, 1 week 'til Christmas so get excited! and I'll be back tomorrow for Lucky Day 7!!!! Take Care Everyone!

*All images used in the collage were gathered as results from Google Images. I hereby give full credit to the photographers, and owners for each picture and craft. The purpose in using these images was for inspiration use and not to take credit for the work of others. No Copyright Infringement Intended. 

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