Friday, December 13, 2013

Kickoff to the 12 Days of Creative Cabana!!!

Happy Friday the 13th everyone!!!! What a great day to officially kickoff the first ever 12 Days of Creative Cabana! I'm very excited to start this new tradition for this blog with you and while I notice a lot of people do their own "12 Days of Christmas" bits, my goal is to give you 12 creative ideas that will spark joy and inspiration for you during this holiday season. So between now and December 24th, each day will be a special project ranging from any of the discussed creative fields here, as well as some of my own personal input ideas! Why wait any longer, let's start with our first day....

Today's special project is a Video Christmas Greeting which can shared through Social Media, E-mail, Websites, and Broadcast. Last month, I discussed this project idea in the post "Do-It-Yourself Holiday Cards" where I used Windows Movie Maker to create a simple presentation of photos and graphics to create a virtual multimedia greeting card. I've done something similar in my demonstration of a Christmas greeting, but this time I've used my webcam to incorporate my own testament for this greeting.

I think it's always nice to add a personal touch to any type of card whether it's a picture, letter, video image, or another individual touch. In my greeting card, I recorded my message using my webcam in Windows Movie Maker. It worked out ok, but for quality purposes I highly recommend using a digital camera that records video, or if you have a camcorder that would be better. Also if you have one available, please consider using a microphone for your device so that your speech will come in at a much better quality and volume. Because I don't own a video camera, or a microphone- the webcam will have to do for this demonstration. If you are using a camcorder to record your message, be sure to adjust your settings to the appropriate levels- be mindful of lighting, scenery, and sounds. It doesn't have to be "Hollywood Movie" quality, but you should try to make the best of what you can.

Next come the visuals. You can easily add any picture, graphics, or other images into your editing programs by simply importing the content. If you're using a lower-budget program (like me) such as Windows Movie Maker, you might have to be a little creative when incorporating these elements into your video. Simplicity is key, but don't forget to add a little fancy too! Here is my final completed Video Greeting specially for you. Keep in mind, it's not perfect, and there are many things I wish I could do to spruce it up, however I'm working on a lower budget so bear with me!

I'm sure you've noticed a few things that could be better, but it's the thought that counts right? haha! Actually, this isn't bad for running on a webcam and with Windows Movie Maker. You don't have to be as formatted or structured as I made mine, but it at least gives you an idea or a template of how it COULD be done.

Again, refer to my previous post "Do-It-Yourself Holiday Cards" for a more detailed tutorial on creating these online video greetings. If you do have any questions, suggestions, or comments regarding Video Greetings, feel free to leave a comment this post and I'd be happy to respond!

Don't forget, to check back each day for a new project idea as part of The 12 Days of Creative Cabana! Have a Happy Friday Everyone and Stay Warm!

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