Thursday, December 19, 2013

And on the Seventh Day, Let There Be Dazzling Ornaments!

Good Morning friends and readers of The Creative Cabana! Can you believe it, we’ve past the half point in The 12 Days of Creative Cabana! Wow does the time fly! I hope you’ve been enjoy these special daily projects, despite some of the delays in getting the posts uploaded. It’s funny how time works in our lives sometimes, but the important thing is that we make the most of it as best we can. For today’s Seventh Day project, I’ve chosen to focus on a typical, yet creative idea that can be perfect for any family, organization, class, group, or just something to do yourself.

While most people tend to purchase their ornaments (and there’s nothing wrong with that), I think it’s always nice to add a personal handmade ornament to your collection. I remember when I was in Kindergarten we made ornaments that look like wreaths using puzzle pieces which were glued together and then tied on a string. I still have that ornament today, and I use it on my Christmas Tree to help me remember my childhood and how much things have changed since then. Perhaps you have something similar? If not, now is a great time to start building memories through ornaments!

Looking back to the ornament pictures used my collage, think about which ones stand out to you. Some of those ornaments may look familiar to you from other craft project ideas that float around on the internet- the most popular being the ornament filled with glitter and the melted crayon ornament. Yes, I said melted crayon, it is literally what it sounds like and at the end your ornament comes out looking like something you’d see in our Solar System! Anyone for a Jupiter ornament? If you’d like some instructions on this concept just click here.  If you’re seeking some other suggestions for ornament creations, I suggest using personal mementos that may not have much use elsewhere. If you have pieces like jewelry charms, beads, buttons, or other small decorative items, those would make great materials for creating an ornament.

Another concept I’d like to share with you is a special memorial ornament. If you have a picture of a deceased loved one and would like a way to honor them at Christmas, then what better way to do so than by creating their own personalized ornament? You can either purchase small ornament frames pre-made, or create your own by purchasing ornament kits at a local store. Simply design your memorial around the picture and then decorate it using your fondest memories of that person: colors, lifestyles, relationships, etc. Here’s a few examples I found on the internet that I thought were just wonderful and could give you some ideas on how to recognize your loved one even on Christmas. 


 Ornaments can be a lot of fun to create and decorate when you have a sort of “game plan” of what you want it to look like. Try considering a theme for your decorations, which might help with planning how you want your ornaments to look. If you’re creating ornaments with children, then I highly recommend purchasing ornament kits from your local craft store because they’re very kid-friendly, easy to use, no mess, and usually aren’t very expensive to buy depending on how elaborate you want.
Whatever type of ornament you decide to create, it's important to always keep in mind that this will be a one-of-a-kind ornament and no one else will have one like it. These also make for great gifts for friends and co-workers if you're running short on ideas for them too. Ornaments are the perfect keepsake to help treasure the memories that you hold most dear. Happy Ornamenting Friends and if you want to share your classy designs with The Creative Cabana, please do so. I'd love to see what amazing creations you can come up with. Have a fantastic day everyone! 

*Images used in the collage and the memorial ornaments were collected from Google Images. I do not own these pictures, or the ornaments in these pictures. It is not my intention to pass off these designs or ideas as my own thoughts, but only to share them with readers seeking inspiration. I hereby give full credit for the photos and designs to their respective owners. No Copyright Infringement Intended. 

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