Monday, December 16, 2013

Creative Mastermind for Week 12/16: Hallmark

Happy Monday! Ok, maybe Monday isn't quite so happy after going back to the grind and wishing that the weekend could be a tad longer, however I find it happy because I get to spend the time with you my wonderful readers! As you know, it's a new week which means a new Creative Mastermind must be determined. This week I've decided to profile a company that proves a popular service to us throughout the year and major holidays. They're not the only company do participate in this line of work, but it's the first name that comes to mind when I think of creativity in greetings cards: Hallmark.

Now when you hear or see the name Hallmark you probably think of a few things: greeting cards, the channel network, the movies, or even their retail stores throughout the country. Hallmark symbolizes the simpler things in life like love, friendship, laughter, and togetherness. All of these things are often seen through their products, shows, and televised movies. What I truly appreciate about this company is that they use many of the categories I focus on in creativity to give the public outstanding and memorable product.

Hallmark was founded in 1910 by Joyce Hall and is currently headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. For over 100 years this company has served as the largest retailed greeting card business and put smiles on many people! It may be the cute phrases or messages placed within the cards that touch your heart, but for me what I truly admire is the artwork and design of the card. Think about when you're at a store searching for the perfect card for that special occasion. What draws you to a specific card? For me, is the picture and while you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, it's what grabs you first. Some cards contain illustrations or drawn images, while other designs can include photography or digital graphics. The artists who work hard behind the scenes to creative these memorable pieces show a great deal of talent and ability to grab our attention.

Hallmark isn't just about the greetings cards and stores though, it's also about their television channel and classic movies. I tend to watch Hallmark every once in awhile to watch reruns of The Golden Girls, but I think what really makes this channel popular is their own produced movies. Especially around the holidays, Hallmark gets big into creating these movies centered around the message of the holiday, love, friendship, and hope. They're also known for their soft-romance movies like "Love Comes Softly". They can be a little corny if that type of genre isn't your thing, but I do give credit in the production of these movies. Often times the characters act the parts well beyond what you might find in other TV movies, and plus the stories tend to flow a lot smoother when they can take time to dedicate themselves to the message rather than the sole conflict like in other films.

Overall, I have to say that Hallmark's production in both broadcast and greeting cards is well admired and certainly inspiring to those who appreciate the hard work and dedication in creating quality material. Everyone who takes part in this company should be proud of themselves for sharing the love and kindness through artistic, poetic, and media produced talents. Sometimes a simple greeting card can make a person's day, and it's thoughts like that which help people to continue on, knowing that someone does indeed care. So well done Hallmark, you are this week's Creative Mastermind!

I always want to give my readers an opportunity to share your ideas with me! If you have an idea for a future Creative Mastermind, give me your suggestions either by commenting on this post or share your thoughts with me through The Creative Cabana Facebook or Twitter page! Also, today marks the 4th Day of Creative Cabana and the next project for the day will be posted soon, so check back to see what surprises are in store for today! Have a great Monday everyone!

*I do not own Hallmark- cards, company, movies, or the television network. All product and rights strictly belong to the Hallmark Company. I have no connections to their cards, movies, shows, and no relations to Joyce Hall. This post is only to show my appreciation for the company. All images used in this post were gathered from Google Images. I do not own the company logo, or any of the images related to the company. I give full credit to their respective owners and photographers. No Copyright Infringement Intended.

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