Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Art of Thanksgiving Food

Good Evening Creative Cabana readers! If you're like me and stressing about upcoming holiday plans on top of things like work, school, or other activities, then I invite you to sit back and relax for a little while. Today's post is designed to give you ideas in decorating your Thanksgiving feast. I know it may sound a little crazy, odd, or perhaps cliche but I find that creativity in art doesn't always have to be on a canvas, or piece of paper. Sometimes your food can make for the best canvas of all!

Now most people generally just fix their food, slap it on a plate or bowl, and then dig in. However, there are some cooks who like to spice up the cooking techniques and a little flare to their dishes. Not only is this a tasteful and delicious tactic, but it's also a creative art form. Have you ever decorated food? Not just desserts, but maybe entrees or side dishes? Here's some examples I found on the internet of different delicious designs! (trying saying that five times fast!)

There's some pretty cool ideas here ranging from candy to fruits and veggies. I understand that some foods you really can't do much decorating to like for example, the turkey or your bread choices. However, every opportunity you can, try to add a little spunk to your delicious homemade cooking! If you don't believe in your talents of dressing up the food a little bit, NO WORRIES! There are several really good recipe websites that can help guide you through the preparing, cooking, and decorating processes. Here are some of my recommendations to help you get started:


Edible Crafts at Craft Gossip-

If you like these ideas check out this awesome Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Cake! Yes, I said Ice Cream Cake:

Now that's one heck of a turkey! Remember friends, you have about a week left to get ready for your Thanksgiving feast. This weekend is a good time to check your food supplies and groceries to see if you need any last-minute ingredients for your dishes. Once you have all of your tools and ingredients together, then the cooking and decorating becomes the next fun part of the job. Remember, decorating your food can be considered another form of Art. In fact, it's the best kind because not only can you admire it, but you eat it too. Happy Decorating and Happy Eating!

Do you have some creative recipes you'd like to share? Just leave a comment on this post or you can leave a message on The Creative Cabana's Facebook page and Twitter. Don't forget to follow The Creative Cabana on all top social media sites for more ideas, news, and insight on various creative projects!

*All images used in this post were gathered from a Google Images search. I do not own Baskin-Robbins,, HGTV, or Craft Gossip. Mentions of these sites and places were only for recommendation and not for profit. Food pictures all belong directly to their owners. No Copyright Infringement Intended.

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