Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pausing to Reflect on Numbers in Creativity

Good Evening Everybody and Happy 11/12/13!!! I'm sorry to be posting so late because usually I'll write during the day when most people are active online. However today is no ordinary day, so why pick my ordinary time to post to my wonderful readers. Actually, my reason for posting so late is that life continues to keep grabbing me by the ankles and drags me all over creation! In my personal life, I'm having a lot of stressful issues that constantly try to control my time, but that's why I created The Creative Cabana- to give me a place (and some time) to reflect on what sparks creativity. Instead of talking about crafts, art, and the usual creative mumbo-jumbo, I started thinking today about numbers.

Whether we realize it or not, numbers have a lot to do with our creative process. We spend time thinking about what we want to create and how many of this product you'll be making. What tools will you be using? How many colors are involved? Is there a deadline for this project? Give a date. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. On a day like today where we've reached a numeric event in the traditional calender system, I'd like to think that sometimes the creative process can be thrown for a bit of a loop. From what I've read online, today is supposedly the most romantic day of the year, not sure how I feel about that. I'm looking at 11/12/13 as a unique opportunity to do something memorable and spontaneous (just make sure it's legal of course!).

I've spent my 11/12/13 doing some cleaning, organizing, and listening to Christmas music- (Don't Judge! This is strictly for an upcoming project for next month and it has to be read ahead of time!). I did do something a little bit out of the ordinary for me though, I thought about numbers. I was thinking about numbers I don't like, numbers that remind me of something specific, and of course today's date numbers being in numeric order. This sounds lame and dull, I know. But some of my best ideas and actions in creative projects have come from numbers. For example, for another upcoming project on behalf of The Creative Cabana, I'll be doing a set of pictures in relation to The Twelve Days of Christmas. More on that little project later on down the road!

What I'm try to say though is that numbers can have a various array of impact on our creative thinking processes depending on how much we expand the boundaries of our limited minds. Do you believe in fate? Think that today's date somehow managed to shine a little luck your way? That's terrific! Use that kind of positive and hopeful uplift to build the blocks for your next creative project. Ranging from videos to newsletters, or crafts to decorations, think of how numbers can influence your creative perception!

That's all for now Night Owls! I could end this wonderful 11/12/13 without giving you a boost powered blog post! After all the last numeric calender event will be next year on 12/13/14, after that it's a long ways to go before we can start over again. Have a good night everyone and be sure to come back for more Fall and Thanksgiving awesomeness!

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