Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let the Countdown Begin!

Greetings once again my wonderful Creative Cabana readers! I hope you've had a great weekend and apologies for not getting this post to you sooner. I originally intended to have this post up Friday evening, then had to delay it to Saturday morning, but because of other commitments that came up here I am two days later with my post! For the weekend, I was originally planning to provide you with creative ways to help plan your shopping lists, travel organizers, and other preparation tools for your upcoming Thanksgiving plans. During my weekend outing yesterday, I've noticed a lot of people have started traveling for the holiday and others were filling the supermarket to get shopping done. So, I've decided to just give you some simple countdown tips to help you stay on track with your plans! If you're one of those people who have already planned ahead and have everything ready to go for your trip or hosting the feast, then claps to you for staying ahead of the game. If you're scrambling around to get the last minute packing and/or shopping ready then I've got some ideas for your family to help get through the hustle and bustle.

Today is the 4th day before Thanksgiving, so if you have your turkey purchased then make room in your fridge and place the turkey inside. The average size turkey takes a few days to thaw out so unless you plan on serving your guests caveman frozen-style turkey entrees then allow yourself plenty of time to let the bird defrost! For your side dishes, I recommend checking your supply to make sure you have plenty of boxed side dishes and back-up sides just in case. If you have picky eaters (or kids), consider investing in simple easy-to-cook sides like Mac'n'Cheese, Applesauce, or fruit cups. Simple sides like these are easy to prepare and affordable alternatives for those who may not be into more traditional food choices.

Now for my friends who are traveling, if you have kids traveling with you- keep them entertained with fun and educational games which can be found at several websites online, as well as many stores like Walmart, AAA or other local convenience stores. Whether you're driving, flying, or taking other scenic means of transportation, take this opportunity to photograph your travel experiences. When I go on vacation, I tend to take pictures of popular restaurants or shops that I like so I can not only cherish the memory there, but it also helps to note the location of the venue. These can make for great discussion topics at the dinner table, plus take on those awesome Photography skills I've been preaching to you about!

Stay tuned my friends for more Thanksgiving preparation ideas tomorrow and also look forward to this week's Creative Mastermind! It has to do with a special Thanksgiving tradition that has been going on for 86 years! Have a great evening everyone and check back for more creative awesomeness soon!

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