Monday, May 12, 2014

The Creative Cabana is Going "Under Construction"

Good Morning Creative Cabana visitors! I'm very sorry I've been MIA for the last two weeks. There's been some issues that have come to my attention which have prevented me from posting on here. The first issue I came across was that I was without internet access for about a week, go figure me and my technology issues. Then when I did get my internet back, I wasn't able to set time aside for getting the posts up. Part of this goes back to "time management". Any time you're working on a creative project, you have to manage your time wisely in order to complete your projects without hassle. I'll be honest, I'm a great organizer but sometimes when other things get in the way it's hard to manage my time to get things done. With that being said, I've evaluated The Creative Cabana and have decided that it's time to make some changes. I'm going to reconstruct The Creative Cabana in an attempt to make it more functional and effective. This way I can improve the site and bring it up to its full quality potential. While I working on getting this site updated, you can still follow The Creative Cabana on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I'll try to update on the progress as much as possible, so you don't miss out on any creative awesomeness! In the meantime, take care and keep exercising your creative side!

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