Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nope, We're not dead!

Hey there gang! It's Danielle, founder of The Creative Cabana. Long time no see, right? I can't begin to tell you how awful it's been going three weeks without posting! That's definitely a first, and hopefully the last time that will happen. A lot has been going on me which has prevented me from being able to keep up with The Creative Cabana as I had planned. As you might recall, my family and I moved just before Christmas- so that's been a process just unpacking and settling in since then. In addition, we started off the new year with everyone sick with the flu (except me, so I got to play nurse). Then of course there's the working part, where I've spent time working in retail and that alone pretty much drains my energy by the end of the day. Thankfully though, the unpacking is reaching it's final stage, no one is sick at the moment, and the job as been steady, so it's back to doing what I love: sharing creativity with you! I can't thank you all enough, for being soooo patient and loyal to The Creative Cabana during this frustrating time.

Ironically, as I'm writing this post I'm listening to a great song by Gloria Estefan "Coming Out of the Dark", which pretty much sums up how I feel about this blog. We're "coming out of the dark" and entering the public eye again with more creative projects, and ideas than ever! Over the last few weeks I have been brainstorming different ideas for new creative projects and formats to explore. Some projects will have to wait until the weather improves, but I have few tricks up my sleeve that will help you get through the rest of this cold and snowy winter season. Some of the topics I'll be focusing on include photography, graphic design, and art- more specifically drawings. It's all in the works at the moment, but trust me when I say you've got plenty to look forward to from this creative gal.

Also, next Monday I will be starting up again with the weekly posts of Creative Mastermind and I'm really looking forward to sharing some amazing creative talent with you. My next post, which should be up either tomorrow or Friday, is dedicated to a new concept and item that I have invested in. This item is essential to every great creative mind out there, and hopefully it'll help me keep up on my New Year's Resolution: to stay organized. Know what I'm talking about yet? Check back for the next post to see if you have the correct answer. In the mean time friends, keep warm and stay creative! Have a great Wednesday!

*I do not own Gloria Estefan or "Coming Out of the Dark". This song is the sole property of Gloria Estefan and the respective songwriters/producers. It was used in the post only for reference purposes. No Copyright Infringement Intended.

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