Tuesday, October 8, 2013

'Tis the Season to be CARVING!!!!

Come on people, did you really think I was going to say "'Tis the Season to be Jolly"? One Holiday at a time everybody, one holiday at a time. Earlier this afternoon, I was working on a Halloween board for the The Creative Cabana's Pinterest page (which if you don't already follow, then you should! Just click here). Upon looking for different things to "pin", one idea came across to me and I thought it was just too good to share!

Carving and decorating pumpkins is a favorite tradition for many people who celebrate Halloween. It is said that during the night of Halloween (or traditionally "All Hallows' Eve), people would carry their jack-o-lanterns with decorated faces in order to frighten off evil spirits. It later became the modern-American tradition sometime during the mid 19th century. Today, some people simply paint designs on the exterior of the pumpkins, while others choose to carve elaborate expressions or images. This part of decorating pumpkins is pretty standard, but what creative designs have you seen floating around?

As mentioned earlier, I came across a really cool pin that inspired me to write this post about creating your perfect Halloween pumpkins.

This is just about the cutest idea I've seen for pumpkin carvings in awhile! As one can image, this is perfect for little girls, or anyone who enjoys decorating pumpkins in the not-so-scary way. Personally, I've always drawn on my pumpkins with markers and done just fine! However, I know a lot of people just use regular knives or they purchase those Stencil kits to decorate with. Whatever your method is, don't limit yourself to just the standard designs. Try something unique and out-of-the box. Oh and if you're not artistically gifted, NO PROBLEM! The pumpkin is your canvas, your art! Don't let anyone tell you it sucks! Most people use traced drawings to guide them in their designs, give that a try if you feel that motivated! To get those creative minds going here some cool pumpkin designs ideas I found using Google Images:

Now my dear readers, please understand you don't have to be the Leonardo DaVinci of Pumpkin Carvings! You don't have to be elaborate or extremely detail-oriented with your designs. I always recommend that when it comes to Art and Creativity, the best tool to success is to just be yourself! Expand yourself beyond your personal limits of creativity. No idea is too wacky! These pictures I've shown you just give you ideas to show what is possible when it comes to creating an outstanding pumpkin! 
Now if you'd like to do something on a smaller scale, say for your office or home decor, investing in a few of the smaller pumpkins can be equally creative and gives that holiday touch to your space. Decorating these smaller pumpkins are great for desks, tables, or even make cute little craft ideas for children! So if you're for working on a simpler, smaller project then here are more examples for you to feast your eyes on!

Now that you have been educated on unleashing your Master Pumpkin Designer skills, it's time to show your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors your creative awesomeness! So, if you'd like to share your pictures of your adorable pumpkins please let me know by leaving a comment on this post! Let's decorate The Creative Cabana with your beautiful and talented pumpkin designs!!!! 

*Images used for this post were pulled from Google Images. The pictures and pumpkins shown in these photographs all belong to their respective owners. No Copyright Infringement Intended!

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