Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Creators Block, Paying Tribute, and More Housekeeping...

HOLY COW! I cannot believe it has been nearly two months, since my last post on The Creative Cabana. No, I didn't disappear off the face of the Earth and it's not that haven't been lazy. I've simply experienced a period of what I'm going to call "Creator's Block" and a case of poor time management. In any case, if you haven't been here in awhile (like me) or you are a new visitor... welcome to The Creative Cabana!  This is the place where creativity and fun thrive, and you get to embrace it all through my experiences. I have a few things I need to address first, so bear with me as we get through these items together.

Creator's Block
So in the time between now and my last post, I experienced something that I can't honestly say I've gone through before. I'm sure you've heard of the term "writer's block" in which a writer comes to a stopping point with no direction in sight. While there's plenty to write about here at The Creative Cabana, I've been trying to become more focused on creating things and then writing about them. I don't have access to a lot of the more advanced programs I'd like to use for things like photography, graphics, and multimedia production. So naturally, I have to get creative with the tools I have at hand. Since I wasn't getting that "light bulb turned on" idea, I decided to go off the grid for a little while until it came back on- although I didn't expect it to be for two months. However, I do have some great ideas in mind as we get into the "Back to School" season. I guess it's safe to say the light bulb as turned ON!

Paying Tribute
I find it ironic that the last time I posted on here was a dedication to the great Casey Kasem as we celebrated his life and mourned his passing. Here I am again honoring another great legend. I don't need to tell you how shocked I was when I heard the news of Robin Williams' death. In a way, I feel as though part of my childhood has died too. It sounds odd, and by now it probably sounds cliche too. I am a 90s child, so I grew up watching movies like Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Jumanji. Robin Williams was flawless in every movie I had seen him in. Prior to his death, I was shocked to hear that a man who brought so much laughter and joy to others, couldn't see the happiness within himself. As part of the "Creative Mastermind" section, I would like to do a special article written and dedicated to Robin Williams. So be sure to check back for that post, as I hope to have it published before the end of the week.

More Housekeeping
My friends and fellow readers, I ask for your forgiveness and patience for not having posted on here as much I had intended to. There has been a lot going on in my personal life and these are things that sadly have no place or right to interfere with The Creative Cabana. When I started this blog it was intended to be an outlet for all of the creative skill that I have built up inside of me. I still want to do that and in order to accomplish this I'm going to become more organized and efficient by scheduling ahead of time when I can create these posts to avoid any further gaps in postings. That being said, since it's time for back-to-school I'm going to do a couple of crafty/graphic ideas to help you design a DIY Planner and also Classroom decorations for my teacher friends. It's going to be a great time to get your crafty cap on, so be sure to keep an eye out for those posts.

Whew! I think that's everything. Again, to all of my readers thanks for sticking with me during this crazy time as The Creative Cabana is making a fresh new come back! Remember you can always follow The Creative Cabana on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for more creative awesomeness and stay updated. Until next time, peace out my friends!

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