Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Creative Mastermind for Week 3/10: Polyvore

Good day and Happy Tuesday to you all from The Creative Cabana! I hope the time change hasn't screwed with you too much so far. The last few days have been a little interesting as far updating the site goes. I initially had a post ready for publishing on Friday, but it never showed up online, then my Internet went out, so I spent much of the yesterday getting caught up on fixing blog site issues. I have some tweaks left to do and then I'll have the next post up later for you on our Web Design series. To help with the wait, I've decided to go ahead and share with you this week's chosen Creative Mastermind.

This week's Creative Mastermind is loosely based on the field of Graphic Design. It's a website that allows you to create collages of images with the ability to create your own fashion outfits and interior designs. I figured with Spring approaching us, many people look for ways to reorganize and re-do their closets, wardrobes, and living spaces. This website is a great and fun tool that can be used to give you the inspiration for those design challenges. What's the name? Polyvore.

Now chances are, you may not have ever heard of Polyvore, but you might have seen their services online through popular sites like Pinterest. If you've ever seen outfit images like this one, then you're looking at a creation from a user at Polyvore. What Polyvore does is provide cataloged images of fashion, accessories, home decor items, and other items from various retailers. You can view each of items individually to see where the product comes from and how much it costs. From there you can create your designs based on the products you see. Most users create themed outfits ranging from occasions to work clothes to seasonal clothes. They also give you the ability to create room designs. Select carpet, curtains, furniture, etc. and create the room of your dreams. It's a perfect concept for people who are moving into a new home or looking for that perfect outfit for that special event.

So it's a bit of stretch compared to what I usually look for in my Creative Masterminds, but this website struck me as a unique feature. I've been using it for only a few months, and I find it very creative and useful when planning ways to redecorate my room and update my wardrobe. Polyvore makes this sort of like an activity or a craft if you will. They provide an easy and free access to visualize ideas you may have. Plus if you find products you like, they give you information on where you can find that particular item and how much it costs. In a way, it's basically eCommerce and creativity coming together like a game. You pick the pieces to put together and then you can share your designs on Facebook, Twitter, and especially Pinterest. 

This is very similar to a previous Creative Mastermind I discussed a few weeks ago, Mood Media (click to read post), where this gives you an opportunity to enhance your shopping experience. Although at Polyvore you're not exactly shopping, businesses see this as an opportunity to market their products to consumers in an online community. You're not buying anything you find and you do not have to pay to use this site's services, but retailers still receive your business from the views they get on their products- down the road views turn into dollars. The creativity in this comes from the idea of how retailers use Polyvore to market themselves to users and how the users can put their creative skills to the test and share their ideas with others. This is the first website I've come across in awhile that gives you full customization and options when developing your own virtual designs. Personally, even while having fun online, I don't like being limited on options. Polyvore gives you plenty of flexibility to create whatever outfit, furnishings, or room designs you'd like. As this site continues to grow, I can wait to see what other possibilities are in store for Polyvore.

Go ahead and give them a try! You can visit my personal page and follow it if you'd like, just click here. While you are at it, don't forget to check out The Creative Cabana on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter for even more creative goodness! Next post should be up later today after I finish a few final touches so stay tuned for that. Until then, happy creating!!!

*I do not own Polyvore or Mood Media. Both compaines are the property of their respective owners and shareholders. The purpose of this post is intended to give readers insight on a popular creative website and is not intended for use of profit. Images used in this post were gathered from search results on Google Images. Those images belong to their respective photographers and designers. No Copyright Infringement Intended. 

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