Friday, February 21, 2014

This is what happens when you go virtual MIA...

Hello everyone! I hope these last few weeks has been treating you much better than it has me. It's been so difficult to maintain my posting priorities on here between working, and other life issues. I'm slowly starting to get back in the gear of bringing you only the best in creative projects right here at The Creative Cabana. I'm pretty much failing at my New Year's Resolution of being organized. I bought a really cool and nice planner to help keep me on track with this blog and other professional creative projects I plan to work and guess what? IT'S BLANK! Yep, because I haven't actually had a chance to really sit down and map out what to do for the next few weeks. Oh sure, I have tons of ideas it's just getting all of those thoughts into a organized system is the trick!

The good news though is that yes, I have a Creative Mastermind picked out for this week (post to come later) and I also have an upcoming post to share with you revolved around the concepts of Web and Graphic Design.

If you've visited my "Connect with Me" page, you might've noticed one of the links is my online portfolio, which I keep as a virtual way to display my previous work examples. I think the site is in need of a upgrade and re-design, so I thought it'd be cool to walk with you through the creative levels of digital design. I'm not a pro by any stretch of the imagination, but I can give you a good insight into creating a simple, but fun website for your personal and/or professional needs. So be sure to watch for that post!

As I write this post, I'm coming to you from my local county garage getting some new tires and brakes fixed, so once my car is free from the car hospital, I'll be able to get you this week's Creative Mastermind post up. Hang tight friends and thank you so much for your patience! Until later, Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

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